Belville Community Garden Trust was formed in 2014 after residents of the Belville Street area spent years campaigning to prevent the area of derelict land created by the demolition of seven high rise housing blocks from becoming an unwelcome place.

They formed an action group and sourced the funding in order to transform the land into a community garden with the goal of creating an accessible and welcoming space for the community while increasing biodiversity.

Belville Garden Trust is now a thriving and lively place with many local people visiting the area. We, at Belville, coordinate a variety of projects designed to benefit the local community, including biodiversity and environmental projects, community carbon and climate change initiatives, community arts, health, and wellbeing programs, and employment and volunteering opportunities.


Click on each date for details.

Our History

7 High rise blocks (“high flats”) are constructed in the east end of Greenock, Each one was named after towns in the Scottish Borders,
Hawick Court, Jedburgh Court, Kelso Court, Langholm Court, Melrose Court, Peebles Court and Selkirk Court. 

The high flats experience problems with leaking due to their flat roofs and new pointed roofs are installed.

The high flats become less desirable, and the decision is made to schedule demolition. 

High reach demolition excavators begin demolition of Kelso Court.  

Melrose, Peeble and Selkirk Court are demolished in a controlled explosion costing £2.2million.

Belville Community Garden opens, providing an open green space for community growing.

The final high flat, Hawick Court is demolished in a controlled explosion.

Belville Community Garden Trust moves its offices from the garden cabin to old council offices at the other end of Serpentine Walk. The garden cabin becomes a workshop for planter construction.

Launch of Belville’s Soup and a Blether community meal project, providing free lunch for community members every Friday.

Completion of the Butterfly corner project, devised by volunteers to transform neglected waste ground into a biodiversity hub using recycled material. Completion of Community Allotments project, providing rentable allotment spaces for the community.

Work begins on creating a new compost area. Completion of the Children’s Garden which offer a play area next to the community allotments. Belvile gets a second electric van to reduce carbon emissions. COVID-19 pandemic closes doors to the public and volunteers; Belville begins providing emergency food parcels to the local community during the crisis and remains open throughout doing essential work.

Belville remains largely closed to the public but begins welcoming volunteers back for outdoor activities such as our weekly Garden Club, and socially distanced indoor activities, such as newly launched Knit & Natter and scaled-down version of Soup and a Blether.

Activity begins to return to normal with new LGBT, ESOL and recovery groups along with other social activities. Belville remains highly involved with community food growing and distribution.

We are now turning our attention to our new outdoor classroom site and considering a purpose-built community centre complete with essential facilities to better serve and provide for the community.

Left ImageRight Image

Move the slider to see the before and after the demolition of the high rise flats.

Disability confident
Living wage
Demential Friends
Happy to talk flexible working
Healthy working lives
The Robertson Trust
CVS Inverclyde
Inverclyde Council
Inverclyde Community food
River Clyde homes
Inspiring Scotland
Queen's award for voluntary servicre
Inverclyde HSCP
The Scottish Governme nt