Yields4 Servings
 2 cups bulgur (larger pieces)
 1 cup black lentils
 1 cup vegetable oil (enough to cover onions when frying)
 3 onions (medium white)
 ½ cup olive oil

Wash lentils and put on wok, with water (1 cup lentil – 2 cups water) and cook on med heat until soft.


Wash bulgur (if 1 cup lentil – 2 cups bulgur), mix in with lentil and add water (1 cup bulgur – 1 cup water) and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. If needed, add in another ½ cup of water if it’s dry or still hard. Boil it on high for 10 – 15mins then cook on a low heat for 10 mins until ready.


Cut onion into slices, 1 tablespoon plain flour and mix together. Heat up some veg oilk in a pan and then fry the onions for 3 mins or until golden.


Scoop out the bulgur and lentil mix and add some of the fried onion on top. You can serve this with salad or a dip using cucumber (cut into small pieces) salt, yogurt, and dried mint.


 2 cups bulgur (larger pieces)
 1 cup black lentils
 1 cup vegetable oil (enough to cover onions when frying)
 3 onions (medium white)
 ½ cup olive oil



Wash lentils and put on wok, with water (1 cup lentil – 2 cups water) and cook on med heat until soft.


Wash bulgur (if 1 cup lentil – 2 cups bulgur), mix in with lentil and add water (1 cup bulgur – 1 cup water) and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. If needed, add in another ½ cup of water if it’s dry or still hard. Boil it on high for 10 – 15mins then cook on a low heat for 10 mins until ready.


Cut onion into slices, 1 tablespoon plain flour and mix together. Heat up some veg oilk in a pan and then fry the onions for 3 mins or until golden.


Scoop out the bulgur and lentil mix and add some of the fried onion on top. You can serve this with salad or a dip using cucumber (cut into small pieces) salt, yogurt, and dried mint.


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